
Mendix low-code geliştirme Platformu

Mendix is ​​a low-code platform that allows businesses to develop their digital applications quickly and effectively . Low-code platforms require less coding compared to traditional software development processes, which speeds up the application development process and allows a wider range of users to develop applications. Mendix enables people with different technical abilities, including business analysts, system architects, and developers, to collaboratively build applications.

With Mendix , users can develop mobile and web applications , IoT (Internet of Things) applications, and more. The platform includes visual modeling tools, a drag-and-drop interface, and pre-built components, simplifying and speeding up the development process. Additionally, Mendix offers a variety of tools and services to easily integrate, test, deploy and manage applications.


Mendix offers a variety of products and services for organizations to accelerate their digital transformation processes. The main products offered by Mendix are:

Mendix Platform

Mendix platform provides fast and effective solutions for businesses in their digital transformation journeys.

 It is a leading low-code development platform that allows Accelerating the application development process by facilitating collaboration between business and IT teams, this platform offers a number of powerful features:

Mendix Platform

  1. Low-Code Development : By minimizing coding requirements, it enables developers and users without coding knowledge to develop applications quickly.

  2. Visual Modeling Tools : Makes it possible to design application logic, interfaces, and workflows through visual interfaces and drag-and-drop components instead of complex coding.

  3. Mobile Application Development : Supports the development of cross-platform and web applications as well as native applications for mobile devices.

  4. Integration Capabilities : Mendix works compatible with existing IT infrastructure by providing easy integration with various data sources, systems and APIs.

  5. Flexible Deployment : Supports deploying applications in cloud environments, on-premises servers, or hybrid configurations. One-click deployment further simplifies the process.

  6. Security and Compliance : Offers industry-standard security features and compliance controls, helping organizations protect data security and user privacy.

  7. High Scalability : As business needs grow, Mendix applications can be easily scaled and managed, maintaining performance and availability.

  8. Comprehensive Marketplace : Mendix Marketplace offers reusable components such as pre-built widgets, modules, and integrations, further speeding up the development process.

  9. Team Collaboration and Management Tools : Improves cross-team coordination and efficiency by providing built-in tools for project management, collaboration, and version control.

  10. AI-Assisted Development : AI-assisted tools improve application quality and development speed by providing recommendations and automatic improvements during the development process.

With these features, Mendix offers organizations a powerful and flexible platform to overcome complex software development challenges and achieve their digital transformation goals.

Mendix Studio Pro

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) designed for more experienced developers, offering more advanced features and customization options . Studio Pro is ideal for projects with more sophisticated requirements such as complex application logic, integrations and customized user interfaces.

  • Advanced Modeling Tools : Provides advanced tools for visually designing application logic, workflows, and data models.
  • Customized User Interface Design : Includes extensive components and editing options to create user interfaces that can be customized according to developers’ needs.

  • Micro Flow Capabilities : Provides the opportunity to use micro flows to easily model complex business logic.

  • Java Actions : Allows developers to write Java code and use it within Mendix applications, providing flexibility and powerful integration capabilities.

  • Integration Possibilities : Supports various integration technologies such as REST and SOAP web services, oData and more.

  • Data Management and Manipulation : Powerful data management features allow developers to easily perform database operations and data manipulation.

  • Version Control : Integrated version control simplifies team collaboration and code management.

  • Debugging and Testing Tools : Provides comprehensive tools to test and debug applications in real time.

  • Reusable Components : Ability to import and use reusable modules, widgets and other components from Mendix Marketplace or other sources.

  • Mobile and Cross-Platform Development : Supports developing both mobile and web applications through a single code base.

  • Performance Monitoring and Optimization Tools : Provides detailed analysis to monitor the performance of applications and make necessary optimizations.


Mendix Cloud

Mendix is ​​a fully managed cloud service for hosting and managing applications. It ensures that applications run and scale smoothly, providing high availability, security and performance.

  • One-Click Deployment : Developers can easily deploy and update their applications to any cloud environment. This feature simplifies and speeds up the application deployment process.
  • High Availability : Mendix Cloud is designed to ensure that applications are constantly available. This is critical for business continuity.

  • Strong Security : Offers industry-standard security measures to protect data security and user privacy. This ensures secure storage and processing of applications and data.

  • Automatic Scaling : Provides automatic scaling of resources depending on traffic increases and application loads. This increases efficiency in terms of cost optimization and resource utilization.

  • Performance Monitoring : Continuously monitors application performance, allowing potential problems to be proactively detected and resolved.

  • Easy Management and Maintenance : Mendix Cloud offers comprehensive tools and automated processes for application management, maintenance and updates.

  • Ease of Integration : Mendix Cloud offers easy integration with various external systems, APIs and data sources.

  • Multi-Region Support : The option to host applications in geographically distributed data centers provides better load distribution and user experience.

  • Comprehensive Support and Consulting Services : Technical support and consulting services from Mendix experts help in the successful execution of application development projects.


Mendix Data Hub

Mendix Data Hub is a comprehensive data integration and management solution that provides organizations with easy access to existing data sources and allows them to seamlessly integrate this data with applications developed on the Mendix platform. It is designed to break data silos and strengthen data-driven decision-making processes.

  • Central Data Catalog : Provides an interface that enables organizations to discover, understand and manage their data assets. This catalog provides consistency and transparency across data sources.

  • Easy Integration : Offers easy integration with various data sources and systems via RESTful APIs, oData services and other standard data protocols. This speeds up the application development process and increases data availability.

  • Data Consistency and Security : Provides a high level of data consistency and security during data integration. Organizations can maintain data security by establishing data access controls and policies.

  • Automatic Data Mapping and Transformation : Automatic mapping and transformation features between data models ensure that data from different systems are harmonized and used effectively.

  • Extensibility and Scalability : Mendix Data Hub has an extensible architecture and can scale to meet the increasing data integration needs of organizations.

  • User-Friendly Interface : User-friendly interfaces designed for technical and business users offer the opportunity to easily manage data sources and integrations.

  • Data Publishing and Subscription : Organizations can publish their own data services and subscribe to other services, making data sharing and collaboration easier.

Mendix Data Hub is a key component of digital transformation strategies, providing organizations with flexibility, speed and security in the data-driven application development process. This solution simplifies data access, establishes connections between data sources, and helps application developers quickly integrate data-driven functionalities.

Mendix Marketplace

Mendix Marketplace is an online store that offers Mendix platform users a wide range of reusable components, widgets, modules and integrations to accelerate and enrich their application development processes. It makes the application development process more efficient and effective by enabling developers and businesses to quickly find and integrate the features and functionality they need into their applications.

  • Extensive Component Library : Offers thousands of components in various categories, from UI/UX design to data processing and analytics, from business process automation to artificial intelligence and machine learning integrations.

  • Reusability and Modularity : Developers can integrate components they obtain through Marketplace directly into their projects, reducing code duplication and shortening development times.

  • Supported by the Community : Components developed and shared by Mendix users and partners ensure that the platform has an ever-growing and evolving ecosystem.

  • Easy Integration : The offered components and modules are designed for seamless integration with Mendix applications so that no extra adaptability effort is required from developers.

  • Quality Control : Components offered on the Marketplace are evaluated by Mendix against specific quality and compatibility criteria before they are made available.

  • Flexibility and Customization : Developers can customize and extend existing components according to their needs, providing great flexibility in application development.

  • Security and Reliability : Mendix constantly strives to ensure the security and reliability of components offered through the Marketplace so that developers can use these components with confidence.


Mendix has designed its solutions to meet the specialized needs of users, categorizing them by role, industry and use cases . This configuration enables any business to quickly find and implement suitable solutions in its digital transformation journey . In particular, it offers a wide range of solutions from digital customer experiences to process automation for a variety of industries such as financial services, manufacturing and retail . The Mendix platform is a powerful and flexible tool that makes it easy for businesses to achieve their digital goals . For more information and detailed solutions, you can visit Mendix’s official website by clicking on the boxes.

Designed to overcome complexity low-code platform

mendix low-code hakimi


The Mendix platform is designed to provide solutions to integration needs, one of the biggest challenges facing modern businesses. Mendix Connect is a collection of features that bring together the integration capabilities offered by the platform. This collection offers connectivity to other applications and services through industry standards interfaces and protocols such as REST, SOAP, JDBC and OData.

mendix entegre

Main Components of Mendix Integration

  • Studio Pro 10.0 Integration Capabilities: Provides developers with powerful tools to integrate their applications with external systems.
  • Mendix Marketplace Supported Connectors and Modules: Ready-made connectors and modules allow you to quickly integrate your applications with a wide range of services.
  • Catalog: Allows you to easily view, share, and use data across your organization.


Mendix’s Integration Vision is to create standards-based low-code abstractions that will make it easier for users to understand and use the capabilities of other technologies and systems. This vision enables users to seamlessly align with strategic business and technical direction by leveraging their core skills.

How to Integrate with Mendix?

Mendix simplifies the connection between applications and services. It offers the possibility to extend integrations using external SDKs such as REST APIs, SOAP web services, OData consumption and exposure, and Kafka event streams. Existing connectors are immediately available through the Mendix Marketplace or you can develop your own custom connectors.

Key Components of Integration

  • Data Mapping: Easily map external data formats to your application assets.
  • REST & Web Services: Easily consume and expose your services.
  • Data and Functionality Management: Easily publish, find, use and manage your data and functionality with Mendix Connect.


Mendix solutions are designed to help businesses overcome integration challenges. With us, you can easily overcome the integration obstacles you encounter in your digital transformation journey and digitalize your business processes smoothly. Discover the potential to create value for your business with Mendix’s powerful integration solutions.